Stainless Steel Series Pick Set
No. PIP-2000 The Stainless Steel Series Pick Set consists of 13 stainless steel tools (9 picks and 4 extractors) and 3 tension tools which have been designed to outperform all other tools on the market. The design of the tools permits easier access into the most restrictive keyways. The picks and extractors are made of high grade stainless steel, offering optimum feel within the lock.
Deluxe Pick Set
No. NDPK The Deluxe Pick Set is perfect for the beginning locksmith. It contains 16 tools, including an assortment of 10 rakes, diamonds, balls and hooks, 4 tension tools and 2 extractors, in a genuine leather case. Each pick is made of a hardened spring steel, tempered to the perfect degree of hardness.
Pro-Mixer Pick Set
No. NDPK-24 The Pro-Mixer Pick Set contains a mix of spring steel and stainless steel picks and extractors.It contains 24 tools, including 14 rakes, diamonds, balls, hooks and 5 extractors in spring steel and stainless steel, plus 5 tension tools, all in a genuine leather case.
Superior Pick Set
No. NDPK-32 The Superior Pick Set is perfect for the discerning locksmith. It provides a wide selection of picks for a variety of uses.This set contains 32 tools, including an assortment of 22 spring steel rakes, diamonds, balls and hooks, 7 tension wrenches and 3 key extractors, all in a genuine leather case. It also includes dual pronged tension tools that provide even tension on double-sided wafer locks.
Case Only No. NDPK-CASE
Hudson Lock, LLC |